Scott Brown is within two percentage points of his Democratic candidate among definite voters, however, the political blogsphere and Internet is behind his campaign 100 percent of the time, leaving the Conservative blogosphere in a new found position of success on congressional elections, let us remember the 23rd congressional election in New York.
The battle of the Tweets
Scott Brown's campaign has 4,236 followers on Twitter, Martha Coakley's campaign has 2,046 followers on Twitter, and the Twitter debate is as pro-Brown as it will ever be. Brown's campaign has tweeted 624 updates, while Coakley's campaign has tweeted just 444 updates.
Please give to Soldiers' Angels.
The battle of supporters
Scott Brown's campaign has 18,878 supporters on Facebook, while Martha Coakley's campaign has 6,633 supporters on Facebook, according to a post published yesterday on Legal Insurrection, Brown had 16,391 supporters on Facebook compared to 6,479 supporters for Coakley.
Brown has gained 2,487 supporters since yesterday morning, Coakley has gained 154 supporters since yesterday morning, and that is with increased attention from the Liberal blogosphere, meaning there is little interest or over confidence from our counterparts on the left.
The battle of the blogs
Legal Insurrection, Michelle Malkin, Jumping in Pools, The Other McCain, Riehl World View, Insta Pundit, The Patriot Room, and hundreds of other Conservative blogs have been on the warpath for the Scott Brown campaign, while the Liberal blogosphere has all but ignored the Massachusetts Senate election, just the shocking nature of poll results from Rasmussen, has scared them into pathetic action.
Brown Brigade
3,196 Americans have joined the Brown Brigade to support Scott Brown's campaign through the Internet, I joined the network of Brown supporters a few weeks ago, to vent about the lack of coverage the Conservative blogosphere had given his campaign, that has since changed. Coakley's campaign does not have a similar foundation of support like the Brown Brigade, and that will not change.
The battle over Google and Bing search engines
Google - Scott Brown has been mentioned 53,200,000 times on Google, while Martha Coakley has been mentioned 50,600 times on Google, the appointed Senator Paul Kirk has more mentions than the current Democrat candidate for that seat!
Bing - Scott Brown has been mentioned 52,800,000 times on Bing, while Martha Coakley has been mentioned 219,000 times on Bing, Senator Kirk again has more mentions on a large search engine than the current Democrat candidate for that seat.
Scott Brown is gaining among the voters of Massachusetts, while slaughtering his Democratic opponent on Twitter, Facebook, the political blogosphere, and mentions on major search engines, leaving Scott Brown with critical nationwide support with eleven days to the major election.
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Awesome post. Love the title; love the premise. It's about time someone did a study like this. It's the world we are living in, after all...
Shhh, don't tell anyone, but Scott Brown doesn't do his own tweeting. Who cares, right?
We're hoping and praying Brown wins this #MASen election.
Good news.We need Scott Brown for Senate
I guess what really matters is how many friends and subscribers are registered MA voters. I am hoping everyone comes out for Scott. Coakley is a very unsavory candidate.
Scott Brown will lose handily and slink back to the Repubtard cave he crawled out of.
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